8 December 2008.
A sweet night was followed by a perfect breakfast with milk, coffee, tea, marmelade, biscuits, bread, butter, orange juice and the magic add of the remains of some slices of the pizzas that Gabriele cooked for all of us (about 10 people).
The house of Andrea is a perfect lauching spot for kayaking. We need just to dress on our wet suit and put the kayaks on the water, grab the paddle and head for the mouth of the San Leonardo river.

Out of the river the beach was alive with a small surf that was perfect for a learning session into the breakers. Me and Peppe played and taked pictures while Tony was quickly learning how to brace in a small surf.

Andrea was hesitant and his choice was to repeat the wet exit, the paddle float rescue and T-rescue. Only the uncoming storm and the thinking of the cooked pasta let us paddle back into the river to join with Andrea's family and our friends for the lunch.