Sunday, December 8, 2013

South Sicily. Kayak meeting to paddle and plan (and eat).

Almost all our paddling days ends with some eating of good food and also this sunday ended with a banquet. From our base we paddled in a light headwind and low clouds to Marina di Modica where we had a stop for warming up a coffee and a hot chocolate for the smallest of the group.

Our next stop was at an ancient port, with cleats carved into the rock that were used for the towing of boats.

On the way back a long wave and the wind helped us but for someone it was time to experience seasickness that quickly ended on approaching the beach and the breaking waves! For someone else it was time to capsize in that waves!

Big cooperation on transporting kayaks, washing equipment and... setting the table with a lot of very good home made food from the south and north Sicilian traditions: schiacciate with sausage and dried tomatoes, scacce with obergines, scacce with ricotta cheese and sausage, scacce with tomato sauce and onions, stuffed peppers, rice salad, ragusano cheese, bred and olive oil, beer, etc...

The planning of the activity for year 2014 has been overshadowed but we had a wonderful day. 
Thank you all!

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